Food is great. No, let us rephrase–food is f*cking awesome, and there’s just no getting around it. Trust us, we’ve tried. Although typically intended for pure sustenance and sustainability, over the years, indulging in delicious culinary dishes has evolved into one of our most beloved pastimes. Hence the term “foodie,” which as defined by Merriam-Webster means “a person who enjoys and cares about food very much.” Side note: try not to laugh while reading that definition by the way–it’s pretty impossible. Nonetheless, the definition has never been more relevant with the barrage of food bloggers, foodie-based television and reality series, and even food-based Instagram stars that are permeating pop culture–all with one thing in common: enjoying the f*ck out of food. This, my friends, is 2016.
Although enjoying food as a hobby sounds pretty gluttonous, and well, fat, one cannot deny how a delicious dish can warm a cold, dead heart. It awakens the senses–makes you feel alive, and all that sh*t. A little dramatic? Yes, but bear with us here. If you too are a lover of all things yummy, then below are 20 memes that match your mood when it comes to delicious, mind-blowing food.
Never turning down free food
This is pretty much the “unofficial” universal rule for foodies everywhere. If it’s free, you eat it–no questions asked. If there’s an event with free food, you go. If someone offers to buy you food, you accept. It just is what it is, and will forever be. Not to mention, free food just seems to taste so much better than food you actually have to pay for. It’s almost like free food packs a little bit of extra flavor–you know, just because it’s free and all. Nonetheless, those who truly love food operate under one rule: No free food gets left behind. However, we do understand there may be a few exceptions to this rule–perhaps if sanitation is in question–but otherwise, if everything seems pristine and clean, you eat that free food like your life depends on it. Because $Free.99 is always the right price.
Food is your love language
*plugs the above in Tinder bio*
They say “the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” Well, we think this also speaks true to those who are in a lusty love affair with food–much like ourselves. We’ve all heard of the five love languages, but surely they left out the most important one of all: FOOD. I mean, let’s think about it–I mean really think about it. Has food ever changed your mood from sad to happy? Yes. Has food ever resolved an argument? Yes. Have you ever been more in love with someone because of food? Yesssss. That, my friends, is the true test. I think we can all agree that food is the ultimate love language for foodies, and we’re totally here for it.
When pizza is BAE
Everyone who loves food loves pizza. This is simply not debatable. It’s like, a scientific fact or something–it has to be, right? Pizza has got to be a universal love language. Whether you like the ol’ classic plain cheese, or a pie equipped with the works, no one can deny that pizza is, and will always be, the ultimate BAE. Pizza is your Friday night date; pizza is your Netflix & chill partner; pizza is your lover and your friend. And pizza will never let you down. Like ever. If pizza had an Instagram–which we’re sure it does–we’d slide all up in their DM’s. We would even make them our first round pick for “cuddling season”–you know, with the weather getting cooler and all. That’s how serious this relationship is with pizza. Did we mention we love pizza? Just checking–wasn’t sure if we made it clear or not. Carry on.
No sharing
Every person who is crazy about food is not so crazy about sharing. This is like a fact. There’s nothing worse than finally getting your hands on some french fries, just to have someone ask you for one fry, which easily turns into a handful of fries. These are the kinds of things that will make you say “Nope,” better yet, “HELL NAH.” Yep, that seems more appropriate.
See, the issue is that people don’t understand the relationship you have with food. If they did, they wouldn’t even bother asking you for any of your food. Your food is your baby, and most importantly, it’s YOURS. So don’t be afraid to tell them you’re simply not sharing, followed by the words of the great Beyoncé, “I ain’t sorry.” They gotta get their own. #boybye
You love food, but wish it would cook itself
If you’re anything like us, maybe you spend a few minutes–maybe even hours–stalking those one-minute-long recipe videos on Facebook. Everything looks soooo good, and easy to make, right?! You see a dish that looks simply delicious and you get all pumped about making it. You go to the grocery store, pick up all the ingredients, just to get home and realize… sh*t… I actually have to make this?! Nope. We’re totally there with you, as there’s nothing worse than lusting over food, then actually having to spend time making the food. Seriously, what is life?! Why spend all that time making food when you could be eating food?! It just makes no sense. We promise we won’t judge if you order takeout instead. Been there, done that.
Getting excited AF when your food arrives
There’s not many joys that trump seeing some tasty food approaching your table. What an unforgettable and euphoric feeling. Quite the contrast from ordering your food, then getting teased over and over again as each dish that isn’t yours passes you by. “Wait, I think this is our food!” Nope. “Wait, I think this is it.” Nope again. Needless to say—it can be a pretty grueling experience.
However, waiting on your food to arrive is like waiting to be reunited with that long distance lover. You’ve been anticipating the moment when you can lay eyes on them and can hold them in a warm embrace. This is how you feel about food. Isn’t it a wonderful feeling? To be loved by food?
Taste-testing all of your groceries mere seconds after you get home
One of the best things life can gift us with is the ability to go grocery shopping, then delving into each and every grocery bag as soon as you get home. You’re literally not home five minutes before you are elbow-deep in your Whole Foods bag. You know you shouldn’t do it, but you just can’t help it! How can you not taste-test everything you just bought? I mean, it’s just sitting there; unopened and waiting for you to indulge. The bags might as well have “eat me” written all over them. At least that’s what you’re hearing in your head. I think most people who love food can identify with this temptation, as it is pretty hard to ignore. And sadly most of us don’t.
Wishing someone would pay for your food
As we mentioned before, there is nothing better than free food. Therefore, the goal is always to get someone else to pay for it. But from time to time, you might run into that awkward situation where someone does offer to pay for your meal, but since it’s the polite thing to do, you gracefully decline. But you don’t actually mean it. You really want them to pay for your food, because that means it’s free, and you don’t have to pay, and that’s f*cking great. However, in a tragic turn of events, the person asking does not succumb to your masterful mind games, and agrees not to pay. At that point, you’ve just lost the battle, because you’ll look like an asshole if you rescind your declination. Next time, either brush up on your mind games or just accept the damn offer. Don’t try to be a hero.
When someone eats your food
We’ve all been there before. You’ve got some tasty leftovers in your fridge that you’ve been dreaming about allllll day long. Needless to say, you can’t wait to get off work so you can go home and indulge in all that tastiness. Unfortunately, that anticipation can be met with anger that is unmatched when you find out that one of your sticky-fingered roommates ate your food. Are you kidding me?! There’s nothing worse than being mentally prepared for a meal, then having someone flush your foodie dreams right down the drain. This is even grounds for a full-on brawl, if you ask us. Because there are two rules in this world: No one puts baby in the corner, and no one eats your food. Period!
Your relationship status
We’ve been on Facebook for quite some time, and it seems the older we get, the more engagement, wedding, and baby announcements we see while scrolling through our timeline. While all of this is great, and timely we guess, one can’t help but think there might be something wrong with them if their biggest announcement of the year is, HEY GUYS, I’M ORDERING PIZZA TONIGHT. But it’s true–the only relationship you’re currently in, is with food. Which seems pretty insignificant compared to those of your counterparts. It’s okay, really, because unlike failed engagements, marriages, and unruly kids, food will never let you down. That’s what we call #relationshipgoals.
You’re impatient when it comes to food
Waiting for food seems like an eternity for those of us who love it. There’s nothing worse than going to a restaurant to pick up food, only to be told that there’s a lengthy wait. What do you mean it’s going to take 10 minutes? Who has 10 minutes–this is absurd! What kind of establishment is this?! In the wise words of Sweet Brown, “Ain’t nobody got time for that.” You want your food, and you want it now. We feel you on this, like, for real for real.
A true foodie knows that when it comes to food, time is of the essence. You have to indulge when the mood strikes and the iron is hot!
The diet struggle
Junk food: Knock knock
Me: Who’s there?
Junk food: Pizza
Me: Sh*t.
The only diet you can seem to stick to is a “See Food” diet–yeah, you read that right–and we’re not talking about shrimp and lobster. You see food. You eat it–and that’s about as far as your diet goes. Our true foodies probably feel us on this, as it’s extremely difficult to stay on a diet when there’s so much tasty food out there. It’s just not fair!
Your diet probably goes a little something like this. You: I’m going on a no-carb diet next week. *coworkers bring donuts to work* Also you: OK, I’m going to re-start my no carb diet tomorrow, for real this time. No judgement here because we know that struggle all too well.
When people tell you how unhealthy you’re eating
As a foodie, you want to be able to eat whatever you want, when you want, and not be judged for it. Eating tasty food in peace is your ultimate goal. After all, this is the stuff foodie dreams are made of. But it never fails–there’s always that one “super health freak” in the bunch who’s just dying to throw all types of shade on your eating habits. “OMG, you know that bread has like, 1000 calories in it, right?” Hey, health freak, we’re aware, and guess what? We DGAF. Because us foodies know there’s got to be more to life than just counting calories. I mean, what kind of life is that, anyway? Food is life, and we certainly know how to live it to the fullest.
When you post your food to Instagram
A foodie is pretty much synonymous with “amateur food photographer,” or even perhaps a professional food photographer–am I right? Everyone knows that to love food, is to make sure you document it and share your yummy goodness on social media. Like, duh! This is 2016, people. If you ask us, everyone should be able to see just how tasty your food is–it’s like another official “unwritten” rule of foodies everywhere.
However, there’s always that one person who just doesn’t get it. As soon as you pull out your iPhone to snap a pic, they frown their face in utter disgust. They don’t understand why you feel the need to take photos of your delicious dish, and maybe they even judge you a little. But hey, who cares, right? Feel free to get your snap on, and saturate our timelines with that deliciousness. We ain’t mad–not one bit!
You want to be with tacos forever
If there’s anything we love more than anything in this whole wide world, it’s tasty tantalizing tacos. Hands down–there’s absolutely no debate here. True foodies know that any time is the perfect time for some good ol’ tacos. We could literally eat them every single day of the week. Don’t you agree?
We think it’s safe to say that all foodies agree with this statement, because tacos are just the bomb. Simple and cheap and, if done right, have just the right amount of flavor. Not to mention, eating tacos is always the perfect excuse to indulge in a few margaritas. Because seriously, what’s a taco without a margarita?!
When you think you might have a food addiction
If you’re a person who absolutely loves food, then you’ve probably asked yourself this question at some point in your life, “Am I addicted to food?” We hate to be the one to tell you, but this is actually a legitimate question. We’ve asked ourselves this question as well. It seems like with every waking moment, you’re thinking of your next meal, or reminiscing on how tasty your last one was. As you’re scrolling through your timeline, you’re lusting over food pics. Your day goes a little something like this: Wake up, food. Go to work, free food (even tastier). Lunch, more food. Go home, food. Before bed, food. Dream about food, annnnnnnnd repeat. Yes, you live to eat another day. Who are we kidding–there’s got to be a support group for this!
When you miss food
Food is pretty much like your bestie, your lover, and all of the above. And just like those aforementioned things, you totally miss it when you’re not around it. There’s nothing more painful than going hours without some food in your pie hole–it’s absolute torture if you ask us.
All of us who love food can totally relate to this feeling. We can also identify with that long-awaited moment when you’re finally reunited with food. Your face lights up and your heart fills with joy–just thinking of all the yumminess that’s about go down. Dear food, we miss you. Come back to us. Signed, foodies everywhere.
When you’re always down for some grub
Name the time and place, and you’ll be there–ready to get your grub on. It doesn’t matter what you’re doing–you’ll stop dead in your tracks if that means you can get your hands on some tasty food. It shouldn’t even be a question, honestly, of when you want to eat. Because the answer is NOW and ALWAYS.
Nothing warms your heart like being asked, “When do you want to eat?”– even though you already know the answer. It’s like music to your ears, and tummy. You were born to do this. Watch out food, we’re coming for ya!
When you’d rather eat than work out
Working out is for the birds, right? It totally sucks. You go to the gym; you get on a bunch of equipment you don’t know how to use; you feel like you’re wasting your time; there’s a bunch of people staring at you; and, it just sucks. It’s absolutely no fun. It’s no fun for us either, so we totally feel you.
But you know what is fun? Eating. Food is always a fun time–this we’re sure of. Wouldn’t it be more fun to skip the gym and eat food instead? I think most foodies can agree this is, in fact, a better use of time. Who needs a six pack of abs, anyway, when you can down six cheeseburgers?! It that even a real question?! Now that’s what we call a good time. Bye, gym. Helloooooo, burgers!
You understand that food transcends time and pretty much everything else
As a person who truly adores food, you know there are a few dishes that transcend all time, and even seasons. When the urge strikes, one must succumb. It doesn’t matter if it’s -20 degrees outside–if you want ice cream, dammit, you’ll have ice cream. It doesn’t matter if it’s 10 p.m. at night–if you want Cinnamon Toast Crunch, dammit, you’ll have Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Time, space, seasons, dimensions, galaxies, etc.–all are irrelevant. All that matters is NOW. Seriously, what’s a better time to enjoy a nice bowl of cereal and some ice cream?! This is pretty much a rhetorical question, because all of our true foodies know the time is always NOW.
Sources: Merriam-webster
The post 20 Hilarious Memes That Totally Describe Your Relationship With Food appeared first on TheThings.