Is there anything better on this world than food? The answer is simple – no! Food is the answer and the solution for everything. What do you do when you feel good about something? You buy yourself some food. What do you do when you feel depressed or sad? You cook, or order something because you can’t really cook. But sometimes, even though they can’t really cook, people try to do it, and that’s where the fun begins. I mean, you must have stumbled across some cool recipe at least once in your life time and tried to follow its instructions… And the results were tragic, of course. At least you had fun cooking, right?
Here are 15 epic cooking fails straight from Pinterest, that will make you feel good about your cooking skills.
This is definitely not what a Snowman is supposed to look like
The holiday season is almost here, and you know what that means! Wait, you don’t? Well, it means that everything, yes, literally everything will be Christmas- and winter-themed. When I say everything, I mean it! And one of those things is food! Seriously, is there anything better than eggnog cakes, candy canes, and those sugar cookies… OMG! Speaking of cookies, a lot of people usually try to give them some shapes, such as smiley faces, stars, or hearts. The girl in the photo above, however, decided to make a Snowman cookie. As you can see, it looked promising before she put it in the oven, but the final result was not good (unless her goal was to make a blob cookie all along). But hey, at least she tried.
These bunny rolls look way too demonic
Bunny-shaped bread rolls would definitely be a perfect addition to your Easter lunch. I mean, they’re usually so adorable (and delicious), and honestly, they don’t look that difficult to make. You should definitely give it a try. What could possible go wrong, right? Oh well, nothing much, besides your super-duper cute bunny rolls turning out super evil and demonic Pikachus! Seriously, the bunny rolls from the pictures above look so creepy. And look at those scary pointy horns. Did they somehow summon the forces of evil while they were baking in the oven? Are they spawns of the devil himself? Either way, this is a bad omen, and therefore Easter is officially cancelled!
But one thing is for sure — now you know what to bake for Halloween.
There’s definitely something wrong with this gingerbread cookie
Gingerbread cookies are literally the main and biggest trademark of Christmas, after all the Christmas trees, that is… and Jesus Christ… and presents… Okay, never mind! But they are a very important part of the holiday season, that’s for sure. They’re super tasty, not too difficult too make, and OMG, decorating them is such a pleasure. But for some people, baking gingerbread cookies is a living nightmare. Just take a look at the photo above. I mean, it was obvious from the beginning that the cookie will not turn out well, and yeah, it didn’t. On the right side you can see what was supposed to look like a gingerbread man, however, it looks more like one big shapeless gingerbread nothing. But who really cares? The important thing is that it tastes good!
When you try to be romantic… And you fail.
Don’t you sometimes wish that you had a boyfriend or a girlfriend who would do anything for you, just like in the movies? Or if you already do have one, don’t you wish that they would surprise you by cooking something for you? That would be nice. But as you can see from the photo above, it doesn’t always have to be successful. I mean, I would be okay if somebody made me a pie but it tasted bad. However, if somebody showed me this creepy pie, I’d run out of the house screaming. Seriously, doesn’t that look like the most evil thing ever? I wonder what the girlfriend said when she saw the surprise. Or did she just dump him? Poor guy… He had the best intentions.
Aw, these ducks are so cute… NOT!
Rubber ducks are literally the cutest toys ever. Every kid loves to have them floating in a bathtub while they’re taking a bath, but let’s be real here, even we adults love them. Why is that, we don’t know, but they’re just a must-have. Some people love them so much that they even make rubber duck cupcakes (this kind of love for rubber ducks is kind of concerning though, but I’m not judging). In the photo above you can see two different groups of those rubber ducks — the upper photo shows how they should look like, and the lower one shows how they turned out for the person who tried to make them. And, as you can see, the result is not promising. It’s rather depressing. I bet these cupcakes were very tasty though.
This meatloaf train is not going anywhere
Every parent know how difficult it is to make kids eat lunch or dinner. Well, to make them eat in general. Parents do all kinds of things to make this happen, and one of those things is making food look good. Parents would put all the food kids wouldn’t usually eat in a meal that actually looks fun — for example, a train. As you can see from the photo above, these parents really gave their best to make a perfect meal for their kid. Judging by the background of the upper picture, we can assume that the kid was celebrating its birthday. Makes you wonder, why would its parents make him a meatloaf train, instead of a meatloaf cake? Anyways, on the lower photo you can see what it looks like when you’re not that good of a cook, but you try to make a meatloaf train. That’s what I like to call an EPIC FAIL!
This is not the Little Mermaid we grew up watching
We all loved animated movies when we were young (and we still do). And, of course, a huge part of our childhoods was Disney with its iconic movies, movies for kids, families, adults, movies with a strong moral message, movies that will be watched for a long, long time. One of those movies is The Little Mermaid. We have all seen it at least once in our life time, and we all know every song from the movie by heart (and we’re not ashamed of it, right). Ariel, the main protagonist of this movie, has been a role model to so many girls all over the world, so it’s obvious that some of those girls want to have everything in the style of The Little Mermaid. Most commonly those things are cakes. Who doesn’t want a birthday cake in the shape of their role model? Well, you can see in the picture above how those cake look like sometimes. Not what you imagined, right?
Another Snowman fail? Oh well…
Snowman again! Yay! Everybody who loves winter, obviously loves snow. And if you love snow, you must love building Snowmen. And eating Snowmen shaped candies and cookies. Well you’re not alone — this one person from Pinterest saw melted Snowmen cookies (as shown in the upper photo), so they immediately decided to try and make the same ones. They obviously fell in love with how adorable those cookies were, and naturally they wanted to bake them. Unfortunately, they failed. And they didn’t just fail — they failed miserably and painfully. Instead of having these adorable, obviously-fake-but-still-very-realistic Snowmen as a final product, they got these weird white melting creatures that you can see in the lower photo. Is that female Snowman (Snowoman? Snowgirl?) wearing a bikini? Why? Isn’t it called outside? It’s winter! I’m so confused right now.
These rainbow pancakes did not turn out as they supposed to
We all love pancakes, right? I mean, I’ve never met somebody who doesn’t love them. And we all love colorful stuff. So why not combine those two so you could colored pancakes? All you need is some food coloring (several colors). You prepare the pancake mix in several smaller bowls, and add the food coloring to each of the bowls. After that it’s time for you to do your magic. Make at least 5 pieces and sort them by their color (like a rainbow), and that is it. Looks fantastic, doesn’t it? Or does it look like these pancakes in the lower picture? That doesn’t even look like pancakes, to be honest. They are so think, it kind of looks like colored steaks. Either way, I’ll pass, I’m suddenly not feeling very hungry.
Cookie Monster Cupcakes really do look like monsters
For those who don’t know, Cookie Monster is one of the Muppets from a children’s TV show called Sesame Street. He’s best known for his appetite — he likes to eat almost everything, but his favorite food is – guess – chocolate chip cookies (hence the name “Cookie Monster”). He’s a pretty popular character, so it shouldn’t be surprising that merchandise with his face on it is very popular among kids. Cookie Monster is so loved by kids that sometimes those kids want to see his face even on their food. Crazy, right? And their parents are ready to fulfill those wishes. They will try to make some food, such as Cookie Monster cupcakes, but those cupcakes won’t look like Cookie Monster at all. But they sure will look monstrous though.
Chocolate-covered kiwi popsicles gone wrong
Close your eyes and imagin- never mind, you can’t continue reading with your eyes clothes. Okay, imagine it’s summer and it’s super hot outside. You’re in a desperate need of something refreshing… Something like a milkshake, or a glass of lemonade. But wait, there’s something even better — posicles! And not just any popsicles. How do you feel about chocolate-covered kiwi popsicles? Sounds pretty cool, right? And it is, if it’s prepared correctly, that is. Fortunately for you, the internet is full of recipes, and we’re sure you’ll find one that’s perfect for you. Back to these popsicles — the combination of kiwi and chocolate is simply amazing. Once you make it and try it, you’ll want more. But let me tell you, the first few times your popsicles will be terrible. I mean, they will fall apart, and won’t even look like popsicles. But don’t worry, it will get better with time.
“Mom, something’s wrong with my Pikachu”
I’m gonna start this entry by saying that I really really really really hate Pikachu. I used to love him though, but times have changed. He was my favorite Pokémon. The main reason why I hate him though, is because I’ve been playing Pokémon Go for a few months now, and I still didn’t catch it. But if I was still in my Pickachu-obsessed mode I would probably buy everything Pikachu-related — T-shirts, stuffed animals, key chains, and God knows what else. I would probably even ask my family or my friends for a birthday cake that looks like Pikachu, and it would probably look nothing like Pikachu. Or the best case scenario, it would look like some kind of Pikachu mutant. I’m sorry Pikachu, but I don’t choose you.
Is it supposed to be a skeleton or a Snowman?
All Hallows Eve a.k.a. Halloween is almost everybody’s favorite holiday, and hands down, it is probably the best holiday ever (well, maybe after Christmas, ’cause presents!). Jack-o’-lanterns, candy, horror movies, costume parties, trick-r-treating… Seriously, it’s simply amazing! A perfect addition to any Halloween party, or just a chill gathering with friends and family would be these skeleton gingerbread cookies. It’s like a gingerbread man, just a lot skinnier. But be careful when making it, because it is a bit tricky. You don’t want your gingerbread skeletons to look like the one in the right picture. Looks like a Yeti, to be honest. Or like a Snowman. The point is, it doesn’t look like a skeleton. But I’d eat it anyways though — food is food.
It’s the thought that counts
Pancakes again! This time they’re not colorful like a rainbow, but we’d still eat them – at least the ones in the upper photo. As you can see, somebody came up with the idea to morph three pancakes into one, thus creating a teddy bear face… or a Micky Mouse face, it doesn’t really matter. It’s pretty simple, you make one normal-sized pancake, and two smaller ones. The bigger one will be the head, and the smaller ones will serve as the ears of this animal. You can use fruit for eyes and lips of this masterpiece. In the lower picture you can see somebody’s attempt to make this awesome pancake, but that’s pretty much it — an attempt. First of all, it doesn’t even look like a bear, or any other animal, to be honest. Second, it looks raw and overcooked at the same time. Is that even possible? Third, it looks pretty floppy, almost liquid. Thanks but no, thanks!
Groot does not look as good as he did in Guardians of the Galaxy
Have you seen Marvel’s 2014 superhero movie Guardians of the Galaxy? If yes, then you must know who Groot is. Yes, I’m talking about tree-like alien who literally stole the spotlight. And can we just take a moment to appreciate how adorable baby Groot is in that mid-credits scene where he dances? Anyways, one Pinterest user saw these adorable Groot cupcakes (the upper photo), so he decided to put his cooking skills to the test. Take a look at the lower picture now, and tell me what do you think — did he succeed or did he fail? Well, the answer to that question is quite obvious, to be honest. It’s a complete fail. I mean, it wouldn’t be that bad if Groot didn’t actually fall off the cupcake.
The post 15 Pinterest Cooking Fails That Will Actually Make You Feel Better About Your Own Cooking Skills appeared first on TheThings.