Starbucks definitely has the market down pat when it comes to some of the most tasty, most unique, (and most Instagram-worthy) drinks around. Various flavors and syrups, combined in a classic cold cup and finished with the addition of the ubiquitous green straw, make for a cool pick-me-up to any part of the day.
The coffee chain’s menu is already pretty comprehensive, but with the recent social media hype over many beverages, including the now uber famous ‘Pink Drink,’ that are all over Instagram yet no where listed on the official Starbucks menu, it is the Starbucks Secret Menu that is getting all of the attention. This led us to research some other yummy drinks that may not be currently on the official menu (take the hint, Starbucks), but that would be refreshing to enjoy during these last few warm and carefree days of summer. Here are 16 of our top tasty and refreshing picks to polish off the season.
Pink Drink

This is hands-down the official drink of Summer 2016. It is also the drink that has made the secret menu so popular again. If you have never had the Pink Drink, you are in for a berry-infused refreshing treat. Made with coconut milk, a Starbucks Refresher, and a big scoop of berries, this drink is as yummy as it is pretty to look at.
The Pink Drink and its rainbow-colored counterparts are also actually as tasty as they are healthy. With the use of fruit and the reduction of the typically heavier sauces and syrups Starbucks drinks are known for, the rainbow drinks, including the Pink Drink, are slowly becoming some of Starbucks’ more popular orders.
Here’s how to order it: Ask for a normal Strawberry Acai Refresher, but ask for it to be made with coconut milk instead of water.
Purple Drink

The next most popular drink in the rainbow of secret drinks loved by Starbucks enthusiasts and Instagram mavens is the Purple drink. It may not be as popular as the Pink Drink (yet) but it is just as refreshing, as pretty, and just as summer-ready. This beverage is perfect for those who want the sweetness of the Pink Drink balanced out by the pleasant tartness of Starbucks’ Passion tea over ice.
Here’s how to order it: Ask for a Passion Iced Tea, but ask for it to be made with either Soy milk or Coconut milk instead of water. Ask the barista to add vanilla syrup. Then, ask the barista to top with scoops of blackberries and your purple drink is ready to drink (or Instagram, whichever you like).
Orange Drink

If you’re looking for something as bright and vibrant as these last few days of summer, your drink of choice in the rainbow of secret menu drinks should be the Orange Drink. It takes the cool factor of the Pink and Purple drinks and zests it up with the addition of energizing boosts of oranges and the tropical tang of mangoes. This mango and orange-infused deliciousness is another cool and refreshing concoction from the hidden menu at Starbucks.
Here’s how to order it: Ask for the Orange Mango juice. Ask the barista to add vanilla bean powder to the Orange Mango juice. Finally, ask the barista to add coconut milk, and this tropical addition to the hidden drink rainbow is ready to enjoy.
Green Drink

Not as surrounded by the hype of the above drinks, the Green Drink is the demure drink next in the rainbow drinks on the secret menu.
The Green Drink is a great beverage for the person who is a little shy when it comes to ordering new or possibly overhyped (or bright) drinks. The reason behind this is this drink looks very similar to the regular Iced Green Tea Latte, therefore it won’t stand out or draw too much attention in the order lineup. However, the recipe for the Green Drink is completely different from the Iced Green Tea Latte and this tasty drink is just as refreshing as its brighter counterparts.
Here’s how to order it: Ask for a Iced Black Tea made with coconut milk instead of water. Ask the barista to add matcha powder and stir. Boom! You instantly have the green version of the rainbow drinks that packs some of the health benefits of matcha.
Blue Drink

The rainbow of drinks on the Starbucks Secret Menu is rounded out in this less popular but equally yummy Blue Drink. It’s the newest drink to be added to the rainbow drinks and is quite tasty.
However, of the rainbow hidden drinks, the Blue Drink is probably the most difficult to make, due to its closeness in recipe to the above Purple Drink. Creating the right shade of blue is actually a game of ratios and will take a skilled barista (and probably an empty line of customers to avoid glare). When the ingredients are combined right, a lavender-like blue shade is captured. It can be done and you will enjoy this drink as much as any one of the others above.
Here’s how to order it: Ask for a Passion Iced Tea made with soy milk instead of water. Then, ask for the barista to add vanilla syrup. This should create a lavander-ish blue color as seen above. And voilà! The Blue Drink is born and ready to conquer the summer heat with you.
Pink Starburst Frappuccino

We all know that the pink Starburst is probably one of the best flavors in the pack. In fact, it has been, and will probably continue to be argued that the pink Starburst is the best flavor Starburst of all time. (I cannot offer too much of an opinion here as I am a yellow Starburst kind of girl. Don’t judge.)
Imagine that sweet and tangy pink-colored chew as a cold and flavorful drink, and you will get the Pink Starburst Frapp. This one is literally dessert in a cup. After a few sips, I think you will agree.
Here’s how to order it: Ask the barista to pour lemonade to the bottom line of a measuring cup. Ask the barista to add crème base (2 pumps tall, 3 pumps grande, 4 pumps venti). Then, ask the barista to add raspberry syrup (1/2 pump tall, 1 pump grande, 1.5 pumps venti) Following that, ask the barista to add vanilla syrup (3 pumps tall, 3.5 pumps grande, 4 pumps venti). Ask the barista to add ice and blend with whipped cream. Finally, add extra whip on top as the final touch and drink away!
Red Starburst Frappuccino

The contender for the best Starburst flavor, other than pink, would have to be the red flavor. Fruity, vibrant, and sweet, the red Starburst commands respect in its own right. And rightly so, it should be made into a frappuccino that you can make all your friends and Instagram followers jealous with.
Here’s how to order it: Ask the barista for a Blended Strawberry Lemonade (lemonade and strawberry flavoring). Ask the barista to add vanilla bean powder (1 scoop for a tall, 1.5 for grande and 2 for venti). Then, ask the barista to add raspberry syrup (1 pump for tall, 1.5 for grande, 2 for venti). And enjoy!
Cotton Candy Frappuccino

Cotton candy is one confection that is very reminiscent of summer. Think of how much better baseball games, amusement parks, carnivals and fairs, basically all summer events, are with the addition of cotton candy. Now, with this drink recipe, you can have this sweet summer treat sans sunburn in the Cotton Candy Frapp. Its all the goodness of an actual cotton candy, made cold and drinkable.
Here’s how to order it: Ask for a Vanilla Bean Frappuccino. Ask the barista to add raspberry syrup (1 pump tall, 1.5 pumps grande, 2 pumps venti). Then, ask the barista to top it off with whipped cream.
Peach Ring Refresher

This is one that I am personally excited for. Peach rings are a personal favorite of mine. The combo of sweet and tang rolled into the chewy gummy candy and topped off with a layer of sugar crystals is simply deliciousness to me.
So, a cool summer drink version of this sweet treat sounds like an excellent idea, if I do say so myself. The combination of ice to the vibrant and sweet flavors of the peach ring are encapsulated into a cool and revitalizing treat in the Peach Ring Refresher.
Here’s how to order it: Ask for a Half Passion Tea and Half Valencia Orange Refresher. Ask for no water. Ask the barista to add 2 pumps peach syrup or a tall, 3 for a Grande, or 5 for a venti. And enjoy the sweet peachy goodness.
Skittles Frappuccino

Skittles are most people’s fruit candy of choice. A literal rainbow of vivid sweet chews incased in a hard shell are yummy enough to make anyone want to taste the rainbow. Whether the tropical pack, sour pack, or the standard issue, Skittles are small spheres of fruity goodness concealed in a colorful pouch make for a great treat, and (when served blended with ice) are an even better frappuccino.
Here’s how to order it: Ask for a Strawberries & Crème Frappuccino. Say no classic syrup and instead, ask for the barista to add vanilla syrup (2 pumps tall, 3 pumps grande, 4 pumps venti). Then, ask the barista to add raspberry syrup (½ pump tall, 1 pump grande, 1.5 pumps venti). Add a straw and really get a good taste the rainbow.
Fruit Roll-Ups Refresher

Fruit Roll-Ups was one of those candies that were so much fun to eat as a child (and as an adult—no shame). Whether simply taking a bite of the thin fruit leather or peeling it into fun shapes before devouring it, this red gummy treat actually makes a very sophisticated-looking drink choice from Starbucks as the Fruit Roll-Ups Refresher.
Here’s how to order it: Ask for an Orange Valencia Refresher. Instead of water, ask the barista to use strawberry juice. Ask the barista to finish by adding orange slices and enjoy!
PokéBall Frappuccino

Kids of the ’90s know how much many of us appreciated the wonders that is Pokémon. And now, with people in every generation playing Pokémon GO, why not commemorate that love for all things pocket monsters-related in a very yummy way? Enter the PokéBall Frapp.
Here’s how to order it: Ask for half Vanilla Frappuccino and half Strawberries & Crème Frappuccino. Ask the barista to fill the bottom half of the cup with the Vanilla Frappuccino and the top half with the Strawberries & Crème Frappuccino. Ask the barista to then top with strawberry whipped cream and go enjoy catching them all!
Coconut Lime Refresher

Coconut and lime just sounds like a good combination. Make it a cold drink from your favorite daytime drink spot and it becomes a summery sweet and tangy refreshing moment in your day.
Here’s how to order it: Ask for a Cool Lime Refresher, but ask the barista to make it with coconut milk instead of water.
Here’s where you can DIY it for your own individual tastes. Option 1: Don’t use the lime slices and instead ask for this drink blended and then top with whipped cream to create a slushy treat. Option 2 (for extra sweetness): Ask the barista to add classic syrup (1 pump tall, 2 pumps grande, or 3 pumps for a venti) to sweeten up this drink to your tastes.
Sunset Refresher

This tangy drink is as pretty as it is tasty. Unlike many of the above drinks, the Sunset Refresher is just a tad more sour than sweet, making it a refreshing beverage for those who may want less dessert and more drink. It is a great way to beat the heat. I actually had people stop me in the street to talk about this hidden Starbucks drink treat.
Here’s how to order it: Ask the barista to fill Cool Lime Refresher to the first line. Then, ask the barista to follow up with lemonade to the second line and toss in a few pieces of lime. Finally, ask the barista to top up with ice and black tea for sunset in a cup.
Mango Frappuccino

There aren’t many fruit flavors that scream summertime goodness like the tropical mango. Sweet, juicy, and so refreshing, enjoying some mango is probably one of the best ways to restore yourself after a jaunt in the typical summer heat and humidity.
Want to know what would be even more refreshing? If someone was brilliant enough to combine mango into a yummy frozen treat. Guess what? This dream drink is on the Starbucks’s Secret Menu as the Mango Frapp.
Here’s how to order it: Ask for a Vanilla Bean Frappuccino, but ask the barista to make it with one less scoop of vanilla bean powder. Ask the barista to add mango syrup (3 pumps for a tall, 4 pumps for a grande, or 5 pumps for a venti) for a frozen treat drink with a tropical twist.
Purple Rain Refresher

An easy to make and unique sweet twist on an already popular drink, the Purple Rain Refresher was created as an homage to the singer, Prince who died earlier this year. Though it’s not as popular as any of the above drinks, the Purple Rain is a lemon lime raspberry-swirled dream in a Starbucks cup that Prince himself would have approved of.
Here’s how to order it: Ask the barista to pour Cool Lime Refresher to the first line. Then, ask the barista to add either water or lemonade to the second line. Ask the barista to then blend the concoction. Then, ask the barista to (slowly) add the raspberry syrup on top (3 pumps tall, 4 grande, 6 venti). Then, ask the barista to top with a lime.
As a pro tip: if you plan on ordering these drinks, try to go to your Starbucks when the line is short (or nonexistent) as these drinks sometimes have complicated prep steps.
Also, take note that these drinks use a combination of ingredients that can easily and quickly add up in price. Other than that, enjoy these summery favorites from the Starbucks Secret Menu!
The post 16 Starbucks Secret Menu Drinks You Need To Know About appeared first on TheThings.